Getting Unstuck

personal growth podcast weekly reset newsletter Feb 18, 2024
The Weekly Reset 003: Getting Unstuck

Read time: 4 minutes

"All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them." - Viola Davis


I've been in a funk this week...

Feeling stuck and uncharacteristically disconnected from myself.

I hate feeling this way because not only does it make everything so much harder and less enjoyable... but it can also feel endless.

Will I ever get unstuck?!

While we know logically the answer is yes, the longer you feel stuck the more hopeless things can feel.

So what do I do when I want to get unstuck?

I actually shared a podcast episode when I was feeling stuck back in September - listen to the episode here if you haven't yet.


But I want to share my process for this here as well.

Here are the 4 things I've been doing this week (and am still doing right now!) to help me get unstuck.


Step 1: Process what's going on.

Whether it's with a trusted friend, your mastermind, or your coach, one of the best things you can do to start getting out of a funk is to talk about it.

There's nothing like having someone trusted witness your journey, hold space for where you're at, and share a different perspective with you.

By verbally processing what you're feeling it can help you to put words to the feelings, uncover what's going on at a deeper level, and get some clarity on what shifts need to be made.

When you have a safe space to share this with vulnerably, you'll feel supported and be well on your way to moving through this funk.

If you don't have someone to go to when you're feeling this way, I encourage you to invest in working with a coach privately, joining a mastermind or coaching program, or seeing if there is a friend in your life that you could trust to share this with.

It takes bravery to share this with others but it will help you get unstuck so much faster than if you try to do it alone.


Step 2: Adjust how I'm consuming content.

There's such a fine line between being inspired by content and being overwhelmed and negatively impacted by content.

So this is the perfect time to check in with yourself on how you're consuming content and where you may want to make shifts.

Are you consuming too much content and it's making you compare and question yourself?

Maybe you aren't consuming enough of the right type of content to be inspired?

Or it may even be a bit of both!

Whatever it is for you, make the necessary changes to help you.

Some examples may be:

  • Mute or unfollow accounts causing you to compare yourself or judge yourself.
  • Start reading a new book that can help you find a deeper sense of inspiration.
  • Remove social media apps from your phone.
  • Focus on consuming less content each day.
  • Consume more long form content instead of endless scrolling and consuming 7 second videos.

Or whatever it is for you!


Step 3: Reconnect with your intuition.

Part of being stuck can often be feeling disconnected from who you are, what you want, and what you're next steps are.

That's why you should take time to reconnect with yourself and your intuition.

There are a lot of different ways to do this, but my favorite is stream of consciousness journaling.

You can also go on a walk and verbally process what's going on in your head by talking into the voice memo app on your phone.

Whether you're writing it out or talking it out, checking in with yourself regularly (daily is great!) is what will help you stay connected to your intuition on a regular basis!

You'll process the feelings as they unfold, gain clarity on how you want to move forward in your business and life, and learn to self-coach and solve your own biggest problems... and usually feel more creative and inspired too!


Step 4: Take action.

Okay so at this point you've processed your feelings, you've adjusted your content consumption, and you've reconnected with your inuition.

The next step to take is arguably the hardest AND the most important:

Take action... even if you still feel stuck and confused!

This part takes a little bit of grit and determination but is essential to shifting out of this space of being stuck and shifting into a space of momentum.

The exact action you need to take will vary based on your circumstances.

For me, taking action is creating and sharing this edition of the Weekly Reset! (oh hi there! 👋)

Is taking this action feeling easy? Nope.

But am I feeling myself already getting unstuck? Absolutely.

Now that I'm at this point in the process, I'm already feeling a sense of flow and ease and momentum starting to come back into play... and this is after 1-2 weeks of having so much resistance!

So now it is time to act.

To do whatever it is that will help you shift from feeling and thinking into doing. Whatever will help you step into You 2.0.


If you're feeling stuck right now, please know that I'm giving you a big hug. I know how tough it can be to feel stuck and how endless it can feel.

But if you take these 4 steps, I know you'll be able to start gaining clarity and momentum again.

You got this!


Your 4R Prompts for the Week:


💭 Reflect on the past week:

What's been going on this week that's been holding you back or causing resistance?


✌️ Release whatever is holding you back:

What will you stop doing this week to release this resistance?


✨ Refresh your intentions and mindset:

How do you want to approach things differently this week?


⚡️ Renew your focus for the week ahead:

What are you committed to doing this week to help you gain more momentum?



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