Do It Brave

personal growth weekly reset newsletter Feb 11, 2024
Weekly Reset 002: Do It Brave

Read time: 3 minutes

"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage." - Dale Carnegie


Is there something you’re waiting to do until you feel more confident?

… Maybe you’re waiting to launch a new offer until you feel more confident about your pricing?

… Maybe you’re waiting to record a video for YouTube until you feel more confident on camera?

… Or maybe you’re waiting to buy new clothes until you feel more confident in your body?

If any of those are ringing true for you then I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you.

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Let’s go with the bad news…

The bad news:

You are sabotaging yourself. 😳

The good news:

You can change this right now - this very minute. 🙌


How to stop sabotaging yourself:

Step 1. Stop waiting to feel confident first.

I had a coaching call with one of my clients this week and she was struggling to nail down the pricing and packaging for her new coaching offer.

After talking through the options, she said it all just felt so confusing.

That’s when I had to remind her of something she knew but had lost sight of while she was in the thick of it all:

She had to start taking action EVEN WHEN she was a little uncertain.

Because the confidence doesn’t come from thinking.

The confidence comes AFTER you’ve taken action.

So the key isn’t “finding” confidence.

The key is taking action even when you aren’t confident.


Step 2. Be brave enough to take the first step.

Which is why the key of being an entrepreneur is bravery.

It takes so much bravery to put yourself out there. To take risks. And do it scared.

So you don’t need to wait to make a decision or take action until you feel confident.

Instead, you need to make the best choice you have the ability to make right now. Trust that it is enough. And then be BRAVE enough to actually do it.

Channel bravery, not confidence.


Step 3. Keep taking each step as the confidence slowly increases.

Now after you take that first step… your brain will totally freak out.

Your brain is hardwired to protect you so it is going to try to avoid anything new and unknown.

But don’t give in.

When your brain tells you to freak out, to worry what people will think, to go and hide, or to change plans… you’ve got to have the resilience to keep going.

Over time your brain will see that this new thing ISN’T hurting you.

And over time you’ll see that you’re getting better at this new thing.

You’ll slowly see improvements and results and progress.

And you’ll get more confident with each and every step you take.


Step 4. Look back at how far you’ve come!

One day, you’ll look back and be SO PROUD that you did the damn thing.

That you took that one brave step… and then kept doing it.

I will always look back at 2015 Megan and be so proud of her for quitting her full-time job, for taking risks, and for putting herself out there.

I’ll always be proud of 2016 Megan for starting a YouTube channel and for posting weekly videos about productivity and systems.

I’ll always be proud of 2023 Megan for coming back to business after a hiatus and hitting the ground running.

In the moment, you may not know how things will work out.

You may not feel confident in your next steps.

But you’ll never regret taking those steps.


So now’s your chance:

Whatever it is you’ve been waiting to do…

Go and do it.

Do it uncertain.

Do it scared.

Do it without knowing how it will turn out.

But do it knowing that you will learn.

Do it knowing that you will grow and improve.

Do it knowing that it will lead you to where you are meant to go.

And do it knowing that one day you’ll be so proud of yourself for taking that first step.

I’m here cheering you on each step of the way!


Your 4R Prompts for the Week:

💭 Reflect on the past week:

What have you been waiting to do until you were more confident? Where have you been hesitating?


✌️ Release whatever is holding you back:

What are you going to do this week to take action even while being uncertain?


✨ Refresh your intentions and mindset:

Instead of dwelling on fear of failure or judgement or making the wrong choice… what can you focus on instead?

Examples: “I trust that I’m making the best decision I can make right now.” or “I may not know where this step will lead me but I know it’s the best next step for me to take right now.” or “I am brave!”


⚡️ Renew your focus for the week ahead:

What is your focus for this week? What is the ONE ACTION you can take this week to move you closer to your goals?



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